Friday, August 5, 2011

This Month On the Lane.....July

Sometimes weeks go by and I wonder what in the name of laundry we did with the time. After reviewing the calendar, homeschool assignments, and pictures taken this month, I'm going to quit being so hard on myself!

July 2011

(Take a deep breath and hum the William Tell Overture)...Attended a writer's conference, saw the doctor, had lunch with the girls, sent out monthly newsletter, taught 2 knitting classes, finished "lava slug" scarf, spun 260 yards of ice-green wool/silk blend, wrote 2 pages of 6-word memoirs and submitted them to SMITH Magazine , read an unknown number of books, started new Language, History, and Science books with kids, got a haircut, groomed the dog, buried Kendra's hamster, bought Kendra a new hamster (which promptly had 2 babies - she's thrilled), got rid of surplus roosters (don't ask, it probably isn't legal), had dinner with Mom, celebrated wedding anniversary (one week early to accommodate David's surgery the next week), put on a "quiz show" for the costume, started writing seriously again, outlined the next school year, picked up the cello again, started learning hammered dulcimer and celtic harp, hosted going-away party for friend, dropped off entries at the Fair, cheered winning entries at the Fair, cursed stupid judges for non-winning entries at the Fair, took Kendra to zoo class for time of her life, saw a movie, and wrote a song (Karen's Waltz).

And THAT's why the laundry didn't get folded!

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